Lower back pain caused by spinal stenosis can become a primary force in sufferers’ lives, influencing everything you do and every area of your existence. While there are many forms of treatment available for this condition, success depends on a range of factors. Acupuncture for spinal stenosis is showing promising results in combatting the pain associated with the condition, however, and may be the solution you’ve been searching for.
What Is Spinal Stenosis?
Spinal stenosis can be a confusing and concerning diagnosis, mostly because it is not a commonly-known or widely-shared cause of lower back pain. The condition results from the narrowing of the central “tunnel” through the vertebrae that make up your spine. This narrowing constricts the nerves of your spinal cord, and can produce pressure on the intravertebral discs of cartilage.
The most common area patients feel the effects of spinal stenosis is the lumbar region, or the lower back area. There are five vertebrae in this part of the spine, and it is this part of the back where back pain is most common. In the case of spinal stenosis, the pain would manifest as: